Wednesday, June 30, 2010

21st Century Tools, 20th Century Schools: Headware not hardware for digital learners

Presented by: Ian Jukes, InfoSavvy Group and Frank S. Kelly FAIA, SHW Group

Changing the TTWWADI mindset (That's the way we've always done it)

"The golden rule: Those who have the gold, rule."
"Insanity is doing the same over and over again and expecting different results."

Schools were designed in an era where 3/4 of the workforce was in agricultural and manufacturing jobs.  Today those jobs account for less than 1/2 of the workforce and their numbers continue to dwindle. Knowledge or creative workers (creating solutions, solving problems, inventing new tools and methods) now account for 25% and their numbers are increasing.

Reference to The Flat World by Thomas Friedman

Example of a school modeled on The Big Picture:
Minneapolis School of Environmental Studies

"It's not about technology, it's about learning."

The Committed Sardine
Great resources and news aggregator.

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