Supporting research:
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- Assure equity of access for both teachers and students. For example, assure every student has access to technology during school hours. Technology access should not just be a reward for good behavior.
- Understanding and using data. Spend a day with your test scores looking for trends. Dig beneath the surface. Structure PD to address a need shown in the trend data. For example, if fluency were an area of weakness, teachers could learn how to have students use podcasting to practice their oral fluency.
- Effective PD is customized and narrowly focused to a particular need.
- Encouraging adoption of new technology/practice:
- Find your "rock star" teachers
- Figure out the top 10 people who would be needed to help move a tech initiative forward.
- Walk the talk. Model the use of whatever you're trying to get adopted. Don't just talk about it.
- Offer to co-teach or provide support in creating a lesson.
- Have teachers create a whole group podcast on a particular topic.
- He modeled a technology visioning session at a faculty meeting by having session participants respond to a survey on-line.
What area should be 2nd priority for this coming school year?
From there he used to create a mashup highlighting the most common terms from teachers. Specifically, he used google docs to create a spreadsheet which he then turned into a form that he embedded in a web page. Then he used tinyurl ( to create a short, memorable url for participants to access. We could do this! - Use google forms for tech observations.
- Reward growth.
- Recognize each and every small step accomplished
- Find rewards that are meaningful to teachers. For example, the reward for attending an after school workshop could be an early release on Friday.
- Encourage genuine reflection.
- How can I use what I learned?
- What will be viable?
- What's the one chunk I can actually use?
- Student-driven technology
- Minimize hand holding.
- For example, if synching of a device is required, teach them to do it.
- Personal Learning Networks
- Use Twitter, Blogs, Wikis, Nings to create your own PLN
- Tip: allows filtering of tweets based on specific words or phrases
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