Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Classroom 2.0 - Featured Teacher Series

First of the new ”Featured Teacher” series featuring classroom teachers who are using technology and web tools innovatively to impact instruction. TEDx speaker, Zoe Branigan-Pipe, will be the first teacher featured. Zoe will give an overview of "life as a networked teacher - in and out of the 6th grade classroom". Join us to learn more about how this dynamic 6th grade teacher uses web tools in the classroom with her students. "Dip your toes in" the conversations until you feel comfortable enough to "jump into the conversations with both feet"! More information and session details are at http://live.classroom20.com/.

"LiveScribe pens are a great way to work with ELL or ESL learners"


Use of Skype between classrooms around the world

Creative Commons Collaboration discussion on The Clever Sheep

Use of Twitter in elementary setting

Archive of session http://fcinternet.hwdsb.on.ca/~zoe.branigan-pipe OR

"My SmartBoard is our window to the world"

A walk down memory lane with google street view

using student blogs for critical thinking, reflecting, and learning
classblogmeister by David Warlick has lots of safeguards
i was really moved by the postings on this young man's blog http://www.andyshospital.blogspot.com/
glogster  voicethreads

have studetns make a powerpoint into a video and embed on own student blog
Teaching embed codes Moderator (Kim Caise): http://gl.am/82Ycb
jackiegerstein: ask McTeach to share her blog about teaching kids to blog using paper and stickey notes
Moderator (Peggy George): http://gl.am/82Ycb All of Zoe's links are here
blogging with paper activity: http://www.notesfrommcteach.com/2010/09/learning-to-blog-using-paper.html
permission forms for blogging... one teacher also gives over moderation rights to parents? use rss feed to monitor student blog posts
: http://space213.wikispaces.com/ (Space213 Wikispace: Culminating Activities Examples-Glogster
What does she use every day?
First thing she taught her pre-service teachers was about delicious
Don't forget about print!
81 educator participants on a Saturday morning!
"vidstrips" ?
livescribe lots of incredible features

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Texts, email
Virtual environments (second life)
Blogs, music groups
Voicethreads            g-docs, maps, surveys, rss feeds

One step at a time

Participate, encourage and involve other
You don’t have to be ON all the time
Always engage your students and make it fun and real
Learn from others and share your learning blog
Always be willing to change           

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