Thursday, May 1, 2008

BARC Meeting 4/29/08

Bay Area Regional CTAP (California Technology Assistance Project)

Check out their website for CTAP Summer Institute offerings in instructional technology for Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts, and general Instructional Technology (because IT can enhance learning in every subject).

Offers FREE tools to support teaching and learning. Currently includes blogging, videoconference scheduling and a file sharing system where educators can upload videos, podcasts, images and documents. Coming soon: IM, wikis, and Moodle (an on-line course management system). Flyer posted in G1.

Taking Center Stage – Act II (TCSII)
Focused on ensuring success and closing the achievement gap (between white students and student of color, ELLs, students with disabilities) for all of California’s middle grades students.

Of particular note on this site:
  1. TCSII Electronic Mailing List. As a TCSII mailing list subscriber, you will receive year-round e-alerts on fresh features such as newly published research, innovative best practices, upcoming professional learning events, and much more.

School ProfilesCalifornia middle schools featured in TCSII video vignettes.

Thinkfinity training lesson plans, interactive activities and other online resources. All of's 55,000 standards-based K-12 lesson plans, student materials, interactive tools and reference materials are reviewed by the nation's leading education organizations to ensure that content is accurate, up-to-date, unbiased and appropriate for students. Includes primary source materials, interactive student resources and grade-specific research lists. (Thinkfinity is the new Marco Polo)

Two summer institutes for middle school math
Middle school math project on the CTAP Region IV site

ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education)
Worthy of a read:
In a new report, Maximizing the Impact: "The Pivotal Role of Technology in a 21st Century Education System", the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills urged renewed emphasis on technology in education.

Grants update – Check out the most recent funding update at

Mouse Squad
Student tech grants $500 - $1000
I have more information if you’re interested.

Digital History Project
Use of iPod Touch connected to TV as an example of an inexpensive presentation solution.
6c’s for primary source analysis
all material is on CTAPIV website
It’s about visual literacy, teaching reading on-line, critical thinking-looking-analyzing.

Teaching Digital Natives in a Global World
Keynote presenter Sara Armstrong (stand-in for Marco Torres)
Check out her blog at for a quick tour of classroom implementations of web tools.

San Fernando High - SFETT (Marco Torres)
AWESOME work by high school students in a low SES school.

For further exploration:

  1. California School Library Association does FREE on-line Web 2.0 tools tutorials for teachers.
    Classroom Learning 2.0 the 23 things you need to know about Web 2.0
  2. Animoto – easily create music video like slideshows from your own pictures.
  3. Flickr
  4. Voice Thread