Here is a list of popular SRS (student response systems - AKA "clickers").
If you're interested, please feel free to surf to the vendors' websites shown below, and or share personal/collegial experiences with SRS by responding to this blog post.
I would like to see them demoed here on site for us to check out. any wat to arrange that. I would like to be able to compare their functionality with that of the neos, since it seems like the neos could be used for much more also.
Also, i have read a little about using twitter in the classroom. they want to have their cell-phone out maybe we could use them as a way to interact.
i like that the responseware has software that will allow response by laptops, pda;a, phone or ipod touches. seems like it would povide a lot of options. i would not want kids to have laptops, clickers, and pencil and paper all out if they did not have to.
Because of my relatively small class size, I plan to borrow a subset of our NEOs so that I can play with them using real students! When I'm ready for prime time, I'll invite teachers into my classroom.
Thank you for setting up this blog so we can commuicate regarding tech at our school.
Good job! -James
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